Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Song #91; Band Of Horses - No One's Gonna Love You

Song #91: Band Of Horses - No One's Gonna Love You

I'd heard OF some band with horses from an issue of Relevant Magazine I was reading but I never gave it any thought. So John properly introduced me to Band Of Horses a few months back by IMing me with "So I just heard this on pandora...f**ing awesome" to which I responded "if this sounds like Air, I will kill you" and hesitantly decided to give them a listen. I loved the songs on their MySpace so much that i went out and bought both of the records. It's been a long, long time since a band made that sort of first impression on me.

It was a glorious feast of indie rock over a quick two week span. After that, I just kind of cast them aside only to be swept back into gloriousness a few months later. I know a lot of you would choose "The Funeral" or "Our Swords" from the first LP, Everything All The Time or even the mild radio hit "Is There A Ghost" from the most recent release, but "No One's Gonna Love You" has had a lasting impression on my musical landscape. It's simple. It's chill. It's almost got this 50's swoon vibe to it.

The only reason it's rated this low is because it is still a pop song at it's root and pop songs tend to wither over the years unless there's an emotional/nostalgic attachment to water it with.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Song #92: Deltron 3030 - Things You Can Do

Song #92: Deltron 3030 - Things You Can Do

I must start with saying that I don't listen to a lot of hip-hop/rap but there are just some artists that have such immense talent I can't ignore. Del Tha Funkee Homosapien is one of those guys. His flow is just incredible. It's like liquid oxygen as he states in this song. I also really appreciate that I can comprehend all the lyrics on first listen. The lyrics are always intelligent and cogent and especially on this album which basically a scifi concept.

On to the song itself, "things you can do,some can't be done" that holds the beat together is extremely memorable. Dan The Automator lays down some sweet beats through out the LP. The lyrics on this song are a mix of Del boasting his flow and explaining the main theme of the album - that rap is the only form of free speech in the draconian world of 3030 and technology can no longer be trusted:

"never let a computer tell me shit!"

I would love some recommendations for rap artists that have his lyrical intelligence and flow.