Sunday, September 28, 2008

Song #97 : The Impossibles - Plan B

Song #97: The Impossibles - Plan B

Gosh, I love this song. Still do. So much. When I hear the first two lines of lyrics I can't help but sing along with Rory : "Push-pinned my pictures to your wall. Framed it in pieces of argyle." And then Gabe comes in two lines later. It's just great Austin punk/ska and I remember being addicted to the Anthology album my sophomore/junior years of high school and being so, so jealous of Jason and Gibson for attending their final show at Emo's in '02.

I also definitely made some friends in college because of this band and I probably tagged you in this note lol. This is one of those songs I associate with good times. Like walking down the halls of Jester East and Tommy belting "Push-pinned my pictures to your wall!" at full volume. It was epicly awesome.

I don't think this is my favorite Impossibles song, but it's the one that prompted me to write. You'll hear more about Gabe and Rory later and their incredible side project Slowreader.

Listen to it! :

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Song #98: Fall Out Boy - Sugar, We're Going Down

Song #98: Fall Out Boy - Sugar, We're Going Down

"I'm just notch in your bed post, but you're just a line in a song"

While this is definitely the most clever lyric in the song, it's also the only one I can distinctly understand from Patrick Stump's awful pronunciation AND enunciation. Does anyone remember FOB's previous album Take This To Your Grave? Patrick had no troubles belting lyrics that could be understood. So what the heck?

Regardless, it was still the catchiest song of Summer 2005 and I for one couldn't help but sing along every time I saw the music video or heard it blaring at a restaurant/gas station/movie theater/Rockets game/student union/any place with speakers. You'd think this was one of the songs I'd be sick of by now (and I'm sure most of you are) But no. It stood the test of time....a little over three years. And though I thought the rest of the album sucked hard, I've still got a little place in my heart for the single that made them rock stars.

Music Video:

Awful FOB live :

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Song #99 : Reggie and the Full Effect - Get Well Soon

James Dewees knows how to write a good pop song and "Get Well Soon" is no exception. It's a song that's presumably about him dealing with his marriage troubles. (An aside: the album was written during his divorce). While the lyrics are somewhat depressing because of the content, the way they're delivered is catchy enough to minimize any negative connotation. Plus it has a hilarious music video featuring a drunk lochness monster throwing up in an alley (which is depressing from his perspective).

If the synth at the beginning doesn't hook you in, the chorus will finish the job.

Music Video:

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Song #100: Midtown - The Tragedy Of The Human Condition

SONG #100: Midtown - The Tragedy Of The Human Condition

Listen to it:

So yes, I've started out the list with an instrumental. It's extremely depressing, but even more catchy. Somehow in my mind I've decided that the appealingness has won out against the melancholiness. The irony of this pick is that I generally ignored this album because it was so gloomy. But when one minute and nine seconds of gloom get stuck in your head for two weeks, you can no longer deny it's power.

While some of the songs are on the list for their deep meaning or for invoking memories, this is just one of those "oh my gosh! play it again!" songs. And because of it's brevity and lack of lyrics, I haven't much more to say about it. Song #99 will prove to be a more interesting blog.


Monday, September 22, 2008

The Top 100 Songs Project - An Introduction

Picking my hundred favorite songs is the most arduous yet fulfilling task I've attempted in a long, long time. There are so many facets of a song that make it great just like there are countless ways music can move me - to dance, to jump, to mosh, to act, to give, to ponder, to love, or even to just smile. And with the intensity that a lyric moves my heart, in equal magnitude a soaring hook wiggles its way from my ears and down through my spine to the floor. It's exactly this divide between lyrical honesty, grand musicianship, and just a silly pop hook that characterizes this list.

I'm going to do a post on each song in the list starting with #100. Each post will have an embedded audio stream and any relevant youtube content.